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Case Study:
Viral Lead Gen Funnel

How Ascend Labs Drove Pagedeck’s Successful Viral Campaign

Client Overview:

Pagedeck is a comprehensive and sophisticated platform meticulously designed for eCommerce marketers, offering an intuitive, no-code solution for the creation of high-converting, lightning-fast landing pages. The platform's core strength lies in its unparalleled ease of use, empowering marketers to craft polished, professional layouts with minimal effort and without the need for specialized design skills.

This unique combination of simplicity and power makes Pagedeck an indispensable tool in the fast-paced, ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, where agility and efficiency are paramount. By eliminating the traditional barriers to creating effective landing pages, Pagedeck enables marketers to focus on strategy and creativity, rather than getting bogged down in technical implementation details.

The Challenge:

Pagedeck faced the formidable task of significantly elevating their brand visibility and expanding their user base through a viral campaign strategically deployed across key social media platforms, with a particular focus on LinkedIn and Twitter.

The primary objective was twofold: to generate substantial organic engagement that would ripple through these professional networks, and to convert this heightened interest into a tangible increase in platform sign-ups. To achieve this, Pagedeck planned to offer a valuable free tool as a cornerstone of their campaign.

However, the challenge extended beyond mere content creation; Pagedeck required a meticulously crafted strategic approach to ensure that the campaign would not only resonate deeply with their target audience but also achieve the elusive viral traction necessary for widespread impact.

Furthermore, the strategy needed to effectively bridge the gap between initial engagement and actual user acquisition, transforming social media interactions into a growing user base for the platform.

The Strategy:

To address this challenge, Ascend Labs entered into a strategic partnership with Pagedeck, bringing to bear its extensive expertise in digital marketing and viral campaign strategies.

This collaboration was focused on conceptualizing, strategizing, and executing a comprehensive social media campaign designed to drive organic engagement and sign-ups at an unprecedented scale.

Ascend Labs' approach was rooted in a deep understanding of the digital landscape and the nuanced behaviors of Pagedeck's target audience. The strategy was built on several key pillars:

Building a Strong Social Media Foundation:

1. Founder-Led Content Development: Ascend Labs initiated the campaign by significantly enhancing Pagedeck's social media presence through a carefully curated series of founder-led posts. This content strategy was designed to showcase the founder's deep industry insights, extensive expertise in eCommerce and landing page optimization, and personal anecdotes that resonated with the target audience.

By crafting content that was both authoritative and relatable, Ascend Labs helped establish Pagedeck as a thought leader in the space. This approach not only bolstered the company's credibility but also fostered a loyal and highly engaged following on both LinkedIn and Twitter. The authentic voice of the founder, combined with valuable industry insights, created a powerful narrative that set the stage for the viral campaign to follow.

2. Audience Engagement: Recognizing the importance of an active and responsive social media presence, Ascend Labs implemented a robust engagement strategy. This involved consistent posting of high-quality, relevant content across Pagedeck's social channels, coupled with proactive interaction with followers and industry peers.

By encouraging discussions, responding promptly to comments, and initiating conversations around trending industry topics, Ascend Labs transformed Pagedeck's social media profiles into vibrant hubs of conversation and knowledge sharing. This sustained effort in community building and engagement was crucial in creating a receptive and enthusiastic audience base, primed for the upcoming campaign launch.

Content Production and Execution:

1. Video Creation: At the heart of the campaign was a meticulously produced video that served as the primary vehicle for communicating the value proposition of the free research tool. Ascend Labs leveraged its expertise in visual storytelling to create a compelling narrative that not only highlighted the benefits of the tool but also demonstrated its ease of use in a clear, concise manner.

The video was crafted to be both informative and shareable, incorporating elements that would resonate with the target audience and encourage them to spread the message within their professional networks. Special attention was paid to the first few seconds of the video to capture attention quickly in the fast-scrolling environment of social media feeds.

‍2. Campaign Launch: With the groundwork laid and campaign materials prepared, Ascend Labs orchestrated a coordinated launch across Pagedeck's LinkedIn and Twitter accounts. The launch strategy was meticulously planned, taking into account optimal posting times based on audience activity patterns, industry events, and trending topics.

Ascend Labs employed a multi-pronged approach, utilizing a mix of organic posts, targeted hashtags, and strategic tagging to maximize the campaign's initial reach. The launch was designed to create a surge of activity that would trigger the algorithms of both platforms to further amplify the content's visibility.

Monitoring and Optimization:

1. Real-Time Analytics: Throughout the duration of the campaign, Ascend Labs employed sophisticated analytics tools to monitor a wide range of engagement metrics and organic reach indicators in real-time. This data-driven approach allowed for agile decision-making and rapid adjustments to the campaign strategy.

By analyzing patterns in user engagement, content performance, and sharing behaviors, Ascend Labs was able to fine-tune various aspects of the campaign on the fly. This included optimizing post timings to coincide with peak audience activity, refining content based on performance data, and adjusting targeting parameters to maximize reach and engagement within the most responsive segments of the audience.

‍2. Engagement Management: Recognizing that prompt and personalized follow-up is crucial for converting interest into action, Ascend Labs implemented a comprehensive engagement management strategy. This involved closely monitoring and swiftly responding to all interactions generated by the campaign posts, including comments, shares, and direct messages. A dedicated team was tasked with ensuring that users who engaged with the posts received timely access to the tool, along with any additional information or support they might require.

This hands-on approach to engagement management not only enhanced the user experience but also helped to maintain the momentum of the campaign, encouraging further sharing and participation.

The Results:

The strategic campaign executed by Ascend Labs delivered exceptional results for Pagedeck, surpassing initial projections and setting new benchmarks for social media marketing success in the B2B SaaS space:

Organic Impressions:

The campaign's reach far exceeded expectations, generating over 150,000 organic impressions across LinkedIn and Twitter. This remarkable level of visibility represented a significant breakthrough for Pagedeck, catapulting the brand into the spotlight within its target market.

The surge in impressions was not just a numerical success; it translated into meaningful brand recognition and recall among key decision-makers in the eCommerce and digital marketing sectors. The viral nature of the content, fueled by authentic engagement and social proof, created a snowball effect where each interaction amplified the campaign's reach.

This organic growth was particularly valuable, as it leveraged the trust inherent in peer-to-peer recommendations, lending credibility to Pagedeck's message and offering.

User Engagement:

The campaign struck a chord with its target audience, sparking thousands of comments, likes, and shares across both platforms. This high level of interaction was a testament to the campaign's relevance and the value proposition of the free tool offered.

The engagement went beyond superficial metrics, fostering meaningful discussions around eCommerce strategies, landing page optimization, and the evolving needs of digital marketers. This vibrant conversation not only boosted the visibility of the campaign posts through algorithmic prioritization but also positioned Pagedeck as a facilitator of industry dialogue.

The depth and quality of engagement served as a powerful indicator of the campaign's success in capturing the audience's attention and driving genuine interest in Pagedeck's offerings.


The true measure of the campaign's success lay in its ability to convert social media engagement into tangible business outcomes. In this regard, the results were outstanding, with the viral strategy driving hundreds of new sign-ups for the Pagedeck platform.

This influx of users represented a significant expansion of Pagedeck's customer base, providing a strong foundation for future growth and revenue generation. The high conversion rate from social media interaction to platform sign-ups underscored the effectiveness of the campaign in not just generating buzz, but in communicating a compelling value proposition that motivated users to take action.

This success in user acquisition validated the strategy of offering a free tool as an entry point, demonstrating the power of value-driven content in generating qualified leads and driving business growth.

Brand Authority

Beyond the immediate metrics of impressions, engagement, and sign-ups, the campaign had a profound and lasting impact on Pagedeck's brand positioning within the industry. The significant boost in visibility, coupled with the positive nature of the engagement, established Pagedeck as a recognized and respected player in the eCommerce tools and landing page optimization niche.

This enhanced brand authority manifested in several ways: increased mentions in industry discussions, growing inbound inquiries from potential partners and customers, and a notable uptick in organic search traffic for brand-related terms.

The campaign effectively positioned Pagedeck as an innovative, user-focused solution provider, setting the stage for sustained growth and market leadership. This newfound brand strength provided a solid foundation for future marketing initiatives and product launches, creating a positive feedback loop of visibility, credibility, and user adoption.


This case study vividly illustrates the transformative impact of Ascend Labs' strategic approach in driving Pagedeck's viral social media campaign to unprecedented success. By leveraging a potent combination of authentic, founder-led content, a compelling value proposition in the form of a free tool, and a meticulously orchestrated engagement strategy, Ascend Labs was able to significantly amplify Pagedeck's reach, drive substantial organic engagement, and achieve remarkable user growth. The campaign's success extended beyond mere vanity metrics, translating into tangible business outcomes and positioning Pagedeck for long-term success in a competitive market.

The strategic insights and execution demonstrated by Ascend Labs showcase the critical importance of a tailored, data-driven approach in achieving viral success in today's complex digital landscape. This case study stands as a testament to Ascend Labs' capability to deliver impactful digital marketing solutions that not only meet but exceed client expectations, driving real business results and setting new standards for social media campaign effectiveness.

Moreover, the success of this campaign underscores the evolving nature of B2B marketing in the digital age, where the lines between professional networking and viral content continue to blur. By tapping into the power of social proof, valuable content, and strategic engagement, Ascend Labs has demonstrated how B2B companies can leverage social media platforms to achieve rapid growth and market penetration.

This case study serves as a valuable blueprint for other SaaS companies looking to replicate similar success, highlighting the potential of well-executed social media strategies in driving business growth and establishing market leadership.

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